Are you all set and charged up before your face-to-face interview that may secure your stand as a professional web developer?

Are you sweating bullets over the possibilities of receiving some oddballs during the course of your interview?

If yes then this Angular JS Interview Questions and Answers page is tailor made for you to ensure you come up with flying colors.

Walk through our selection of handpicked Angular JS Interview questions that will not just boost your confidence but will help you understand the difference between academics and skills sought after in the industry.

Q1) What is Angular JS and who created it?

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework used for creating single page web applications(SPA) and dynamic Applications. It enables you to use HTML to express your application’s components clearly.Angular JS is written in JavaScript.

Angular JS  was developed by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons.

Q2) What is a SPA (Single Page Application)?

SPA, Single Page Application is a web application which improves the User interface experience by the use of AJAX and  HTML 5.

In a Single Page Application,  a single HTML page will be loaded first.Based on the user interaction other HTML pages will be loaded as views in that same HTML page in the content view section.

So in effect, one HTML page will be loaded.So it is called as Single Page Application.There are Javascript frameworks available for designing a single page application(SPA) such as AngularJS, KnockoutJS, and Backbone etc.

SPA’s can be built with architectural patterns such as MVC (Model-View-Controller), MVVM(Model-View-ViewModel) etc.

Q3) What are the Benefits of using AngularJS?

AngularJS is a ModelViewController javascript framework for client side implementation.

AngularJS getting highly popular due to the following major benefits.

  • DependencyInjection
  • Two-way data binding
  • Easy Testing
  • ModelViewController
  • Directives to control the DOM elements and various other filters

Q4) In your opinion, what is the most important Component in any Angular JS Application, mention with examples.

Directives are definitely the most important component as they are something that introduces new syntax, which is specific to your application.

Some common directives are ng-App, ng-bind, ng-model, etc.

Q5) How can you specify a scope variable with one-time binding?

By using “::” in front of it.

This is a short but tricky question and will allow the interviewer to check if the interviewee is aware of the available variable bindings in AngularJS.

Q6) Use of attribute versus an element?

Attributes are used to update an existing element with new functionality

The element is used to create a component which is in control of the template.

Q7) If you have an input text field and you want to trigger a code as the user starts inserting input. What do you do?

Simply use the $watch function in our controller.

Q8) What Kind of apps are ideally suited for Angular JS

CRUD-based Applications are ideally suited for Angular JS. CRUD which stands for Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete are Data-Driven Applications.

Q9) What is internationalization, is it possible in Angular JS?

Yes, it’s possible. Internationalization helps the programmer show locally specific information on a website like it will display the content of a website in the English language in Britain and in Italian in Italy.

Q10) Explain how $scope.$apply() works?

$scope.$apply re-evaluates ng-models previously declared and applies the said changes to all those that have been assigned to a new value.

Q11) What is scope hierarchy? Is there a limit to the number of scopes an application can have?

Scopes are controllers specific. Each angular application consists of one parent scope and several child scopes which, in turn, can create other child scopes. Therefore an application can have multiple scopes.

Q12) Is it possible to bootstrap multiple angular applications using same element?

No, it displays an error “App Already Bootstrapped with this Element”.

Q13) Explain the filters,  currency and filter.

Currency filter formats text in a currency format.

The ‘filter’ filter’ is used to filter the array to a subset of it based on the provided criteria.

Q14) Define service vs factory methods?

The factory method is used to define a factory which can later be used to create services as per our requirements whereas the service method is used to create a service used to perform a definite task.

Q15) Which web browsers are supported by Angular JS?

Angular JS works well with Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE9 and all latest versions of browsers.

Q16) What is ng-app?

The ng-app is used to initialize the Angular Application.

Q17) What is ng-init?

The ng-init is used to initiate the Application Data in angular js.

Q18) What is a module in AngularJS?

A module is basically a container for different parts of the application such as controllers, services,
directives,and filters.
The Module in AngularJS is somewhat similar to the Main() method in normal C# applications.

Q19) How to create a module in AngularJS?

A module is created using the module() method of the angular object.Syntax as below,

var aApp= angular.module("aModule", []);

Q20) What is a Controller in AngularJS?

In AngularJS, the Controller is a normal Javascript function which is used to build a model for the view to display.

Q21) How to create a Controller in AngularJS?

var aController = function($scope){
$Scope.message= "return a string";

Q22) What is method chaining Angular?

Method chaining is the way we use a module, controller and registering the controller with the module in a single statement instead of separate module definition statement and controller statement lines.




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