What is the Liskov Substitution Principle(LSP) in SOLID Design Principles?

Liskov substitution principle is named after Barbara Liskov, a computer scientist who first formulated the principle in 1987. It is…

1 year ago

Dependency inversion principle(DIP) in SOLID Design

The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is a software design principle in object-oriented programming that states that high-level modules or classes…

1 year ago

What is the Open Closed Principle in SOLID Design Principles?

In this article, we will see the open closed principle, one of the SOLID design principles, in detail. Open-Closed Design…

1 year ago

What is the Difference Between Database Partitioning and Sharding?

Both database partitioning and sharding are techniques used to break down a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces. However,…

1 year ago

What is Sharding in Database Partitioning?

In this post, we will see what is Sharding in a database. Sharding in Database Sharding is a database partitioning…

1 year ago

Difference Between Const and ReadOnly in C#

In C#, const is a keyword that declares a constant value that is computed at compile-time and can never be…

1 year ago