
C# 2.0, Covariance And Contravariance In Delegates

In C# there is support for Covariance in arrays from C# version 1.0 itself. With C# 2.0 release the support…

4 years ago

How to handle File access IO exception in C#

If you are a .net programmer you may be familiar with the below-shown exception which says IO exception was unhandled,…

4 years ago

Differences Between Finalize and Dispose Methods in C# and VB.NET

This article is to give a clear understanding of the differences between Finalize and Dispose Methods in C#.This post is…

4 years ago

C# Pragma, The Inline warning control In C# | Compiler Directives C#

Pragma is a compiler directive in C#. This article explains on #pragma directives in C# and the various ways you…

6 years ago

Properties With Multiple Access Modifiers in C# 2.0 | Asymmetric Accessor Accessibility

In C# the member variables will be exposed by means of Properties. The get and set portions of a property are…

7 years ago

What is the use of Application.EnableVisualStyles()?

The Entry point method of C#  Winform application looks as below, [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new Form1());…

7 years ago