Custom controls are specialized controls in .NET derived from Control class. In this article, we explain the step by step process of creating a custom control in C# WinForms application. Custom Control in C# Winforms We can have the following types of Custom Controls in C# or VB.NET Usercontrols Usercotrols are the simpler form of custom controls […]
Difference between Custom Controls,User controls and Components in C#.NET
Difference between Custom Controls, User controls and Components in C#: Both User control and custom control are direct or indirect derivations of Control class. Control, in turn, is derived from the component.See the derivation in below lines. public class Component : MarshalByRefObject, IComponent, IDisposable public class Control : Component, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent,IComponent, IDisposable From this, […]